Monday, July 29, 2013

July 29 Monday

It's 9:30 in my time zone. I've had a busy day of errands, meetings, and appointments I hadn't planned on. The good news is, my hair looks fantastic. I have not written any new words YET, but I will not be going to bed until I get my 4000 words down.

That is not bad news. It is only a fact. Nothing emotional about it. I'm not disappointed in myself. This is just the first point in my schedule where I was able to get back home and get in the chair.

Yes, I did look for a desk for my Writing-Only desk. No. I did not find one. It will be Wednesday before I look again, but I do hope to have it in place by August 1.

I'll update this post before I go to bed. I've had three Pepsi's and I'm ready to go. I'm going to use Dr. Wicked's Writer Or Die program (which I bought for 10 bucks so I could have it on my laptop even when I've blocked the internet. You can use it on line for free. I'm using it for two reasons tonight: I'm just starting with this book, Isobelle, and I'm pretty free to write it however it comes to me, and secondly, I'm starting late tonight, so I'm going to try and write as fast as possible. Some of my best stuff comes when writing very fast. My brain has already been trained by the good doctor and it stands up and pays attention when those margins start turning pink.

If you haven't used before, now is not the time. Figure it out during the day. Practice with silliness. The advice I give everyone is to never mess around with kamikaze, ever ever ever. Or if you really are that kind of light-socket-poker, practice with garbage. Write out what you had for lunch and see what happens when you stop typing. But don't let that scare you away from Dr. Wicked. He's an excellent doctor. I owe him my...livelihood.

Enough crap. See you soon.

First attempt: 1 hr. 1306. Headed back in. Having a BALL!
Second attempt: 2 hrs. 2243
Total for today: 3534
Total for project: 4256
I'll have to write an extra 600 tomorrow to make up for it, but it was a good start. The challenge starts officially on Thursday, August 1st, but I wanted to get a running start. I'm very pleased.
How did you do?

Before you go on, be clear what your next goal is.
Mine, for tomorrow, is to write 4600, besides welcoming my new granddaughter into the world.
I'm hoping for red hair.

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