Wednesday, August 7, 2013

August 7, 2013

Here's the deal.

I had planned to beg off tonight--I have a sore throat and thought I should be able to use a sick day, you know?

But then...

I noticed how many people are following this blog (which data I promised myself I would never look for) and I realized I can't do that. I can't call in sick. Here I am, trying to show you how to push aside real life in order to get your word count in, and I was going to cave for a simple sore throat.

Well, I'm not going to do it. I'm going to grab some aspirin, some diet Pepsi, and put the rest of the house to bed. Then I'm going to put on Dr. Wicked and start writing.

And I'm going to do something different this time, just because I realize I'm feeling a little whimpy--I'm going to set Dr. Wicked for a huge amount of time and a HUGE word count, just so I won't be interrupted at the end of the hour, or the end of a projected word count. I figure I'll get a lot further if I don't pay attention to time, etc. In addition, if you reach your projected word count, the good doctor stops prodding you with pink margins and threats of horrible sounds. And I need that prodding.

I'll also put on Simplyrain and keep my earphones in so I don't wake up the house with horrible violin playing if I pause to long in my writing. (This will only make sense to those of you who have tried

So. I'll be back with the results. Aspirin and 15th century Venice, here I come.

I managed 1477. That's 1477 I wouldn't have if I'd have taken a sick day. If this book were to be 30,000, and I only wrote 1477 a day, it would be finished in three weeks total. I need to remember that. If I can just write for three weeks (especially if I wrote more than 1477 each day) I would have a nice sized project done. IN THREE WEEKS.

I'm at over 15k now, after I edited a bit the other day. Booyah!
Where are you at? Looked at your total word count and done the elementary school Math yet? How long is it going to take you to finish? What can you do to push yourself a little harder than planned? And if you're chugging along nicely, don't forget to stop for a moment and take a bow. You deserve it.


  1. You are such an inspiration to me... seriously. Fighting off a cold myself and not being nearly as productive as I need to be. I'm going to try the late afternoon nap thing today to see if that keeps me going longer. Thank you for sharing the journey. Makes it feel not so lonely late at night when the house is quiet...

  2. Hope you feel better soon!

    You know, I can't remember the last time I went to be at a reasonable/human hour. So, if you're up late writing, chances are I'm right there with you. Maybe not writing, but at least pretending to.
